Whole30 is over!

Happy February!

The January Whole30 is officially over, and all three of us quit at varying stages.

As you saw back in my last post, Jason quit around day 11, and we were letting Kay quit on the 18th. I ended up falling off the program on day 26.

I know what you’re thinking, “You only had four days to go… what on earth… ?”

I was determined to complete a 2019 January W30. And I was so.close.

I also made a commitment that this would be my last W30. ever no matter what the outcome was. I needed to move on from this restricted “diet”, or “reset” find out what food(s) cause my painful heartburn, and move on.

Day 26 was Jason’s work Christmas party, and every year they do a Taco Bar. I thought about cooking my own meat and bringing it in a thermos, but instead, I actually called the restaurant they always use to find out how they prepare everything and concluded I could easily do a taco salad. I figured I was set.

But, like an act of God, they switched caterers, and EVERYTHING had gluten or dairy in it… so,  I could have been that super awkward person and not eat anything all night.


I could say… screw it. Be. Free.

I chose freedom.

Twenty-six days is more than long enough to get all of these potentially problematic ingredients out of my system, and that day would be the day to re-introduce them. Now, having gluten and dairy at the same time, probably not the best idea, (because if I had a reaction, what was it, dairy or gluten?) but it wasn’t like I could choose this – or that it was all intermixed.

As the re-introduction period went on over the past week however I’ve realized I need to break up with a lot of dairy (milk, ice cream, dairy-based sauces).  Not sure about my tolerance for hard cheese, but I’m about to find out by gettin’ a taco!

maybe eating taco’s wasn’t cheating on my diet

maybe going on a diet was cheating on my taco’s…

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Oats are also very problematic for me, which is also a huge bummer because that is a staple of eating in the Boundary Waters, and I love overnight oats. I guess I’ll keep playing around with various foods over the next few weeks and find the perfect diet for me!

Conclusion: This experiment 2.0 was well worth it. I didn’t feel guilty, and I didn’t feel shame for quitting my w30 four days early, you know what I felt?  I finally – for the first time – felt FREE. I plan to push the envelope and eat what I can get away with.

Free to come up with exactly the foods that will make me feel the best, and no longer conform to a LABEL (certain way of eating). I’m not Mediterranean, I’m not Paleo, I’m not Whole30…

I am me.


WholeFamily Whole30 – Half Way

Day 15! Can you believe we made it?

I contemplated posting once-per-week, but I did that when I did a successful W30 back in 2016, and you can read all about it over here. Further, in order to achieve my 2019 goal of blogging more, I’m hoping to post twice a month on the 1st and 15th of each month going forward, instead of “all-the-sudden trying to climb a mountain that is too big” with posting weekly etc, so lets start with a realistic goal shall we? What do you think?

So, we’re I’m officially HALF WAY DONE with our “WholeFamily, Whole30”. (Spoiler Alert!)

Can I just tell you guys how lucky I am that my family is was doing this with me? When I did this on my own back in 2016, it was so hard! The fridge and cupboards were stocked with “non-compliant” food and I had to will power my way through it a few times.

The subsequential other times I tried doing a W30, back in January 2017, February 2018, and September 2018 I failed miserably despite wanting to succeed.  This time, since we only have Whole30 food in the house (upstairs anyway), there isn’t a real possibility to slip.

Jason: Ended up going off the program as of Friday the 11th, but agreed he’d stay W30 at home. I think this is a great compromise. He works construction, so his lunch choices were limited unless he wanted a salad for lunch, which he did not, and he wasn’t on Whole30 for himself, but rather in support for me. The amount of money we were spending in nuts, and compliant jerky/snacks was a pinch ridiculous for “sympathy eating”, and I could tell he was miserable, so I cut him off from feeling obligated anymore, and his mood lifted.

Kay: She is still on plan as of today. Her friends at school think she has some kind of medical condition. One kid at lunch thinks she must have diabetes if she can’t have any sugar anymore, and another kiddo commenting that “It’s just not natural to not have added sugar.”


I think her lunches looked pretty darn good (and as you can tell by all the fruit, the girl is not lacking in the sugar department)!

Truth be told though, I think we’ll wean her off the program this Friday night, however. As a growing pre-teen, she needed more calories but just wanted fruit. The girl plowed through two pints of raspberries in one sitting. We decided her fruit addiction needed to stop, so as of the 18th – she’ll be in re-intro mode with some high-quality full fat, grass-fed dairy.  Hopefully, 18 days was long enough to get some stuff out of her system. I’m genuinely interested to know if she is dairy or gluten (or anything else) sensitive due to frequent complaints of tummy pain.

She did say, she still wanted home lunch however unless the school’s hot lunch was irresistible. Sounds 80/20 textbook Paleo to me! We shall see.

Me: I’m still going strong! (Don’t worry, I’m not bailing). This has been my best attempt yet. I feel in control, and not overly missing, “All the things”. The food choices I’ve prepared have been better, and I’m snacking a lot less which tells me my meals are balanced right. I’m also feeling – AMAZING. My painful heartburn, which plagued me nearly every day, along with bloating has completely gone away.

My ‘severe’ shoulder/back pain/inflammation that would nearly take my breath away, (that I blamed on our bed not being comfortable) all but disappeared. (Clearly, it’s not our bed, it was inflammatory foods.) Further, despite only getting an average of 6-hours of sleep I wake up in the morning completely refreshed. No more waking up in the middle of the night, tossing & turning while I process sugar from my nightcap(s) of wine and sugary snacks that went along with said wine. (Ahem pretzels/chips & salsa).

So – for the next 15 days I will continue to cook W30 dinners for my family, while also re-introducing foods for our daughter.

As for me – Cheers to the next 15 days!

– Do you have any resets that you’re doing in the month of January?
– Do you experience chronic inflammation such as upper back/shoulder pain, or acid reflux?

Have you ever tried paleo, or removing potentially inflammatory foods?

Whole30 – Week 4 and Conclusion

Hey Guys!
I am officially done with Whole30!

Firstly, I found out I could give up my beloved wine for an entire month, and don’t even miss pasta or rice, which was a mainstay (and definite over-consumption) in all of my meals!

Here’s how the final days went…

Friday April 22
B Two Eggs, baked over hard with peppers & coffee
L – Cold Tuna Salad
D – Sausage, Pepper & Onion

Finally got a good dose of Tiger Blood today! I had so much energy it was as if I had drank at least 2 pots of coffee! I think my co-workers were wondering…. 


Saturday April 23
B – Skillet Breakfast
L – Snacks of Lara Bars, Cashews & Mango Jerkey
D – Apple Sausage, Pepper & Onion.

Tonight we got invited over to our friends house for dinner. Being so close on my journey I decided to bring my own dinner! I felt slightly awkward about it, but I didn’t get teased as much as I thought I would. The meal itself would have been fine on a regular “paleo” diet, but the spice rub did have some brown sugar in it, so for obvious reasons – its not Whole30 compliant.

Sunday April 24
B – Sweet Potato, Apple, Sausage & Egg Skillet
L – Snacks of Lara Bars, Cashews & Mango Jerkey
D – Hamburgers on the skillet

Spent the afternoon today (and yesterday) at seminars, so my lunches have been less than amazing, but I’m excited that I’ll have a nice clean paleo lunch for when we go up to the BWCA!

I’m in Love with lettuce wraps on hamburgers! I’m also becoming a total pro at making hamburgers on the cast iron skillet, (since i’m not hugely confident on our gas grill). I’m glad I’m able to make “grill” food without the hassle!

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Monday April 25
B: Two Eggs, baked over hard with peppers & coffee
L: Salad
D – Mexican Monday: Tacos

Decided to revert back to Tacos on Monday for this week! I’m excited to finally try corn-shells next week once I’m off Whole30!


Tuesday April 26
B – Two Eggs, baked over hard with peppers & coffee
L – Salad
D – Slow Cooker Beef Stew

Walking through the house this afternoon smelled amazing! The parsnips were a good alternative to the standard potatoes that accompany most stews! I used sugar free chicken broth and thickened with some arrowroot.

Wednesday April 27
B – Coffee & Tea & my 2 eggs.
L – Frozen Vegetables, Orange, Mango Jerky & Cashews
D – Spice Thai Zoodle Salad

My zoodle salad sauce didn’t set quite right this time. It was strangely thick, but I did skip adding in the lime juice. I will definitely add that in next time!

I completely forgot my lunch at home today, but my co-worker surprised me with an Admin Professionals day including my FAVORITE Mango jerky!


Thursday April 28
B – Two Eggs, baked over hard with peppers & coffee
L – Left over slow cooker beef stew
D – Shrimp & Sweet Potato Skillet

This is definitely a new family favorite! Its so quick and easy to make too! Comfort food at its best!


Friday April 29
B – Two Eggs, baked over hard with peppers & coffee
L – Cold Tuna Salad
D – Cold Tuna Salad

I’m loving my new Cold Tuna Salad! Its so delicious, that I don’t even miss the pasta in this dish!



Saturday April 30 – FINAL DAY
B – Fried eggs over hard with peppers & coffee
L – Cold Tuna Salad
D – Cracklin’ Chicken

I made it – I made it – I made it!!!!! I feel like a kitty cat grabbin’ the unicorn by the neck with guns blazing!!!!


Final Thoughts –
1. It was easier than I thought
2. It helped that I’m an obsessive meal planner to begin with
3. It helps that I cook huge meals and dirty my kitchen anyways
4. I plan to keep MOST of the “rules”/best practices of a Paleo lifestyle!
5. I lost 8lbs! This was awesome! I’m back down to my pre-kid weight and on the cusp of just out of the Navy weight.

I will add back in wine, but just on weekends. Strictly Friday-Sunday I’m very glad I can live without it for a month. I love the taste of wine, and wanted to make sure that it didn’t have a stronghold over my life. Sure… there were some meals along the way I thought, wow, this paired with a buttery chardonnay…. or sauv. blanc, cab… you get the idea… but I’m glad I can strongly say – I enjoy wine but not for emotional purposes

I do not plan to add back in gluten, specifically bread and pasta, since I absolutely LOVE my Zoodles. Maybe it was the lack of daily wine or bread, or pasta, rice and processed foods, but I’m definitely starting to see my “muffin top” fade away and I’ve been very pleased with that.


Stay tuned for my next blog post!

Thanks for all the support. Have you tried a Whole30 yet? What are your thoughts on the whole processes?



Oh, hello there!

I have been busy blogging over at, Where Feet May Fail after the sudden passing of my father, but did want to get back to you guys and the happenings of life in Minnesota.

Our daughter has gone back to school already and is in the 1st grade and loving it! Last year she was the last class in Minnesota of 1/2 day Kindergarteners, and now all schools must provide all day kindergarten to all of their students. The transition in to a full day of learning leaves our little one tired, but also excited for learning! We can’t wait to see how she grows this next year!

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I’ve been signing up for the “Pick of the Week” program at Minnesota Fresh Farm which has proved to be an invaluable find this summer! Each week I pick up $25-30 worth of produce for just $20. I have been getting fresh cucumbers (since mine went to crap), tomatoes (since mine went to crap), green beans, peas, corn, and more! We’ve gotten so many cucumbers I decided this weekend to make pickles! I’ve never made pickles before, but thought I’d give it ago. I had two different recipes making for two different kinds of pickles.

Traditional Easy Refrigerator Pickles.

IMG_2656 My co-worker Breanne who blogs over at Borealis ~ Northern Life passed down her grandmothers recipe to me! I felt like I had won the lottery because aren’t grandmothers recipes the best, and always completely delicious!

It called for:
7 c. very thinly sliced cucumbers (into very thin coins) – Approximately 4-5 cucumbers.
1 c. sliced onion (I rough chopped mine since my husband hates onions, but doesn’t mind the flavor)
1/2 c. green pepper/cut lengthwise
2 T. Salt
1 T. Celery seed

Mix all together and place in 1 quart canning jars.

In a small saucepan heat until boiling together:
2 C. Sugar
1 C. White Vinegar

Pour sugar/vinegar mixture over the cucumbers in the canning jars to the top and refrigerate.

I have no idea how long they take to “cure” – so I need to find that out. They are so pretty however right?

Fresh Pickles
I found this baby on my favorite website – Pinterest! Of course it is complements of the blog Red Star Lone Star.
2lbs small cucumbers ( I used regular size and just cut in half and then cut into quarters spears or more)
1 bunch fresh dill
Several cloves peeled and thinly sliced
4 cups (1 liter) unflavored club soda/carbonated water
3 tablespoons salt

Trim the ends off cucumbers. Layer cucumbers, dill and garlic in a glass container. Dissolve salt in water, pour over the cucumbers to cover them completely. Cover and brine in refrigerator at least 24 hours.

Apparently the carbonated water is supposed to make the pickles extra crunchy! I’m actually not a big fan of pickles… but my husband loves them, so I thought why not try something new. Plus homesteading is so much fun!

JAM packed Saturday!

Miss K was supposed to have a soccer tournament today, but with most of the fields still saturated the tourney was called off. So we decided to head up to Minnesota Fresh Farm, and handpick strawberries. Neither me or my daughter had ever picked berries before today, and it was on my goals to continue to fill up her memory bucket! After we take home our haul and make jam we’re headed out to the Minnesota Zoo with Jason’s brother Jeremiah and his girlfriend Amillie for a fun filled family day!

(Scroll down for all the pic’s)


Woke up early and headed to the farm up the road! We’re going to make homemade jam today before we head out to the zoo!


Me and my girl being strawberry pickers! We were the first ones to pick this year! (They don’t open for appointments until tomorrow, but they let us sneak in! ~ Thank You!)


Working on getting lots of berries for homemade freezer jam!


Look at that load! We have lots for jam and plenty to spare for a chicken strawberry salad tomorrow on Arugula and Kale!


Destemed, slicked and now time to mash mash mash!


Starting to look like jelly, or the beginning of strawberry wine!


Time to stir in the sugar and pectin!


And finally scoop all of that into jars. Let sit for 30 minutes, and then pop them into the freezer! Easy as… JAM!

Minnesota – Week 20

Week 20 of 2014! We are sadly, almost half way through yet another year – and only now at week 20 are things finally underway in the Spring department! Today we hit an astonishing 85 degrees!

K officially started soccer practice, and today at practice it was my task to bring the treats! (each parent brings each week, and I happened to be the first one)Oh what pressure.

I mean – as the first one… I am the person who will set the stage for snacks to come. Will “my snacks” suck? I wanted to bring something healthy, but not 100% overboard in the crunchy department. Truth – I would not be handing my daughters teammates dried edamame or pancetta wrapped asparagus with cream cheese.

K had a blast playing. Meanwhile I was handed her soccer uniform which was just too cute, as well as a car decal (which I am becoming dangerously close to having THIS car

and a card that I had to sign that I swore not to be a douche bag parent that yells at the kids, coach or referees.

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