Fresh Look

Well I thought the blog needed a little face lift. So I updated the html again, but also changed the title to fit a bit better. Well in addition to the plants that we got at Pam & Phil’s we also got a bunch of plants at Lowes this past weekend. Everything in their Lawn & Garden dept was 75% off! Can you believe that? So we got about $300-$400 worth of plants, trees and shrubs for about $75. It was very cool.

The packet stuffing went really good, and I can’t even believe that this is marathon week/end already! It seems like we just did it not too long ago. It should be fun though. There is lots of fun stuff that will be happening this week. Thursday I will be staying at the hotel so unfortunately I won’t get to see Kirra from Thursday morning until Sunday night :-(. Its sad…. but this is my 3rd time. Jason is going to bring Kirra down to the Capitol for the Toddler Trot on Saturday so I will still get to see her. :-). I’m glad its supposed to be cool. I can actually wear my Race Official Jacket! We got to last year as well, but I got drenched one or two times….I really just hope it doesn’t RAIN at all! Cool all it wants…. just no rain!!!
Tomorrow two of my girlfriends are coming over for small group so that should be nice. We usually go to my other friends house, but since it’s race week i’ve requested they come to my house so that Jason doesn’t have to watch her all week. I don’t have a midwest events/vacation sports meeting this weekend, which will be nice since i’m so busy and since Wednesday is my last night home before the big race! Should be fun!!! I’ll be taking lots of pictures this week/end.

Planting Fun

Well since we’ve been back, I’ve helped put on Square Lake Traithlon’s, and we’ve gotten a ton of plants from Pam and Phil. Our front yard is really coming along. I’ll have to take a picture sometime soon. This weekend I’ve got a 5K to help put on, and packet stuffing for TCM. Should be fun. Sunday is my sissy & Gran’s birthday. I think she is going to be 94. That is just amazing. Not much else is going on which is pretty nice!

Camping Fun!

Well we just got back from camping and MAN did we have a great time! Thursday Jason didn’t get off until much later so we left around 8pm, and didn’t get up to camp until around 10pm. I’m so glad that we practiced setting up our tent beforehand so that we knew how to set it up. Everyone showed up with flashlights, and helped us set up!

Friday we just hung around camp, and took a trip into Sauk Center for some supplies. We later went down to the beach to go swimming. Kirra loved swimming in the water, and tossing rocks and watching them go ker-plunk. For dinner we had an easy one with Lloyds pulled beef sammies.

Saturday Kirra and I went swimming yet again, and later on I went fishing with Jason and Cash. It was fun. Jason caught a 14″ walleye, and I caught a ridiculously small perch. We had to have Kirra nap really early because it was so hot by mid-day in our tent. Jason cooked us up some hamburgers on the grill.

Sunday was the day of hiking! I went hiking with Dawn, Pam, Chloe, Tyler and Kirra on a really nice loop. Well once we got back we were going to go on another trek, but Pam and Dawn wanted to take a break, so I took Kirra and Tyler with me, and Amy, Logan, and Kaylee joined us on the second trek. Well we got a little lost, and it was some serious hiking up some serious hills. I definitely got my workout in! We got back and Jason, Frank, Cash and I went fishing again. We were out walleye fishing again, and Frank caught two small sunnies in 25′ of water, and I caught a clam? It was very odd….. No Walleye. While we were out fishing, Theo fed Kirra, and they had lots of fun playing around. When we got back to camp we didn’t even eat ‘real’ dinner, but I did end up plating up some cold tuna salad. We went on a midnight hike with everyone down the road and that was tons of fun also. Immediately after we got back I went to the tent with Tyler and crashed!

Today we got up and had breakfast, and broke down camp, and headed back home. It was a great trip, but I’m glad to have my own bed back! Back to work tomorrow!