On the Eve of Christmas Eve

On this eve of Christmas eve – i’m taking a quick break from knitting (which is my new past time) to jot down a few thoughts, and updates. Sorry that we didn’t send out a Christmas card this year! Life got crazy with school wrapping up – so you’ll have to make due with our blog! We so appreciate all of the cards and photos we’ve received from family & friends however, and they’re lining our pantry door! I finished up this past semester (Chemistry) and got an A in that class! (YAHOOO!) I’m now taking a break as I stated in earlier posts, which will be indefinite. I’m not sure when/if I’ll start back up again, but I know this – LIFE IS GREAT right now! Things are winding down a bit for Jason at work – which means he’s consistently IN TOWN, which makes for a VERY happy Lindsey & K Unfortunately he came down with some bug (cough/fever), but is on the mend for Christmas. Me – I’ve been knitting up a storm, which I just took up last week! I’m bordering on obsessed! Jason got me a gift card to Amazon – which I instantly blew on more knitting supplies. Need a hat, scarf or mittens? Screw Etsy- give me a call! (somewhat kidding – I can only do straight garter stitch knitting, and have only knitted scarves. Need a scarf? Call me!) Gran would be proud! We recently celebrated my dads & my birthday (same day) yesterday over at my parents. My mom made a feast of my favorite – toasted angel hair pasta with sausage & peppers, and a keys house cake. We got a little out of control with singing happy birthday – but when aren’t we out of control when we sing that song? Other than that – K is wildly awaiting Christmas, and has tried to find her Christmas presents by opening cupboards & closets etc. I’ll post again after the holidays – but until then! Merry Christmas friends!

Little is much when God is in it

This week for our Greater topic I chose to write about what I can do to become greater. Chapter six is all about using what we have to further the mission of God. Don’t have a million bucks? Donate that $10 in your pocket that you’re just going to waste on a Starbucks! Don’t have time to go on a mission trip? Go volunteer at a local charity.

I’m always saying to myself – once my husband and I pay off some bills and we have extra money – then maybe I can go on a mission trip, or give more.  My focus has always been money – because that’s what everyone is always asking for. Not only are things tight in our household because we’d like to be completely debt free, but also my husband is agnostic – so the thought of giving 10% of our income to church or charity- probably isn’t in the realm of possibilities in the near future.

But my time is a possibility. See, my husband is extremely supportive of my walk with Christ, and interestingly enough often encourages me! (“hon wake up, time for church”). I’m raising our daughter in the Christian faith, and he 100% backs it. Though its not for him [yet] – he doesn’t want to ‘ruin’ that for our daughter. I thank him with all of my heart for this!

He doesn’t mind- or think its odd when I want to serve at church, or volunteer at Feed My Starving Children etc, and if I make [side job] money and want to donate that – he doesn’t mind. So what do I have? I definitely have time.

I realized just a few months/weeks ago that my pursuit of my nursing career (i’m taking generals at the moment) needs to be put on hold. It wasn’t just a “chemistry is super hard” but a real nudge from only what I could say was God that said “put this on hold”.   Not only because this is precious time that I am spending away from my daughter, but I have a job I truly love, and co-workers I adore.

I have a bachelors degree in Health Education, and I really am content! Sometimes the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and although my background [from time in the Navy] was in the medical field – being now 8+ years out of it I may find that I’m only remembering the good points. I feel God is leading me away from this path; at least for now.

So – what to do with all of my new free time starting this Saturday the 15th? (my final is Saturday morning)…. VOLUNTEER & Raise money and awareness! I have a heart for serving others, and my daughter does as well. I recently [last October] did a photo fundraiser for Feed My Starving Children. I’m an amateur portrait photographer, so I set up this “one day – and one location swing by this ‘said’ park and 60% of the proceeds will go towards FMSC. ”

Just last weekend (i’m so behind on things sometimes due to college) I finally swung by FMSC with my daughter right as they were ready to do a pack with a bunch of volunteers. They asked if we wanted to stay to help pack, and I asked how old kiddos had to be to volunteer, and she said 5. Interestingly enough my daughter just turned five, so I said, well we have a few hours to spare- why not.

Guess what? My daughter absolutely LOVED it! So what can I give? Time and resources. God blessed me with taking photos, and I’m not trying to make money off it (well a living I should say) so I can use that tallent to give to an organization that does so much with so little. Its truly a loves and fishes organization! So I feel God is leading me towards making my photography “company” a non-profit! I’ll start out small, and see where it takes me, and in the mean time – I can spend time with my daughter doing something we both love, and something that chases after Gods heart!

Burning my plows…

I’m so embarrassed to share this, and say this out loud, but I think I have an addiction. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines addiction as follows:

Definition of ADDICTION

: the quality or state of being addicted <addiction to reading>
: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal;broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful
While its not a physical addiction, and while its not a totally all out addiction –  I AM  “addicted” to Facebook! I find myself not being able to ‘not’ check it at least several times per day.

My husband is constantly telling me that I’m on it too much, and I can tell that while i’m out in the kitchen catching up on mere acquaintanceship with Facebook, [we] are missing out on something greater in our relationship.

He even once had me watch a Dateline NBC special about how the internet interferes with peoples daily lives, and relationships and while I sat there watching, thinking this isn’t me… they’re really bad, and while we agree that i’m truthfully not full out addicted to it, its not interfering with my parenting, or daily living… Facebooking, and Pinteresting, and the tweeting is is making my husband feel like he is competing for my time.

And that is not ok. We can have a greater relationship, and a stronger relationship if I put in as much time and devotion to us then my old high school/navy friends that if i’m honest with myself aren’t worth as much time as I’m giving them.

If you asked me what my top 5 things/people in life I would instantly tell you:

* My relationship with God
* My Husband
* My daughter
* My work
* My fitness

But if you looked at how I spent my time, I’d ashamedly have to admit “fostering relationships with acquaintances” and  “trying to impress/get many followers on Twitter to be popular” would be right up towards the top.

It finally REALLY hit me when reading Chapter 4 last night. This is something I need to burn – or at a bare minimum take out to the woods and start on fire. While I’m not really ready to completely torch my social networks (delete my accounts) I plan to severely limit myself to checking them out.

I’m changing my password to something very weird, and jibbery so that it’d be impossible to remember off the top of my head.

I think my relationships that I listed as the most important above have such the potential to be greater with this small step!

Here’s to burning my plows.

“For Jesus’ disciples, burning the plows meant leaving their fishing nets and boats {Matthew 4:18-22}. 

1 Kings 19:21″So Elisha returned to his oxen and slaughtered them. He used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh. He passed around the meat to the townspeople, and they all ate. Then he went with Elijah as his assistant.”


First of all – I’m getting a bit of ADD with my Chronological Reading Plan. I can’t just simply pick up any Bible and read because the order is so bizarre – so its a bit annoying to me.  For now – I’ll keep with it, but I might try to figure out where I’m actually at (in regular order) which is 1 Kings, and read straight through.  So. We’ll see.

But – onto Ecclesiastes. I read this straight through last night. I couldn’t put it down. I highlighted more in this book than I didn’t, and it looks like highlighter threw up over my [iPad] bible [app]. Lately I’ve been obsessed with reading Gods word and find myself reading several days worth at a time.

Normally I’d copy down my very favorite verses, but again, if I did that I’d basically be copying all of the book. So I’ll summarize.
What happens on this earth is not so important. What we work towards in material goods is meaningless. Build up riches in Heaven instead. And be happy! If our world is going to heck in a hand basket, spend your time being happy! Yes this seems counterintuitive, but there is nothing you can really do about this world, so don’t waste your time being down in the dumps about it. Enjoy life. Enjoy what God the Father has given you!

There is a time for EVERYTHING! 

Its not good to be alone. Get some help. Don’t be afraid to lean on others, because two can accomplish more than just one, and if you can get three, then all the better!
Let your words be few said King Soloman! Don’t make empty promises to God. Its better to make no promise, then to promise and not follow through.
Oh how I love Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 v. 7 “Talk is cheap, like daydreams and other useless activities. Fear God instead”.
Enjoy the things you have, and don’t envy others.
The more words you speak – the less they mean, so choose carefully what you say.
When wise people give you critique – listen! Don’t be offended, you can really learn from them.
Finishing is better than starting
You know what? I’m so darn guilty of this. I start stuff all of the time that I never finish. Anyone can proclaim they’re going to run a marathon, get in shape, start a new business venture, do this do that, etc etc etc… but eventually if you’re a starter, and you’re never a finisher, then where is the joy? This verse urges me to just suck up the ADD and FINISH the Chronological plan. Perhaps there is something in store for me by reading it this way that I’ll never get if I just read straight through.  So for now. I’m going to keep trucking on. I’m on day 175 of 365 which is almost half way!
Focus on now. Not the past, and not the future, but now. Nothing is certain in this life.
Nobody knows God’s ultimate plan. Don’t waste time trying to figure it out.
Nobody knows when hard times will come.
Do not talk ill about others. You never know who is listening, and who will bring it back to the person.
Chapter 11 v. 4 ~ “Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest”
Fear God, and obey his commands
WOW! Thank you King Soloman for this transcript!