
Last night we had a very low pressure storm hit the midwest, and it hit Minnesota like a windstorm unlike any i’ve experienced in my nearly 30 years of life! Driving definitely required two hands, and I was very grateful for my hands free bluetooth enabled car!

All thru the night I could hear the wind howling like a wolf at the moon and at times I swore I thought my whole roof was going to just pop off. I even imagined where we would sleep if it did! Well.. about 6am or so I heard a very loud crash then boom… it was definitely in the house… Intruder? My dog was sleeping at the foot of my bed knocked out cold…. he didn’t even flinch… I thought what the heck dog!!! Aren’t you supposed to wake up and bark? I wrazzled him, and shook him, until he finally woke up, and all he did was yawn and stretch. What a nice guard dog you are!!!!

The boiler was out so the house was FREEZING cold…it was only at 60….so I went down the basement and checked the boiler, and sure enough it was tripped. So I was so cold, and still wondering what had made all the racket earlier, when I noticed a strange object on the floor near the stationary tub… it was the basement window! The wind was SO STRONG that it had popped out the window – frame and all!

Raining in Baltimore….

It literally IS raining in Minnesota right now, and this song just perfectly sums it all up today. It was a good day, but I am missing someone… “These train conversations are passing me by… I miss you… I guess that I should…. 3500 miles away… what would you change if you could?”

On – On!

On – On!

Its a term used by hash running to say that you’re on trail. So… today I dusted off my running shoes, and got “on-on”. I only went a mile and a half, but I was also pushing a stroller. It felt so great. I definitely need to stick with it. I figure if I stay low mileage then I will keep liking it. The problem normally is… I try to go too far and then I get injured!
Last night I went swimming at Life Time. It was GREAT to get back into the pool! I completely forgot how much I like swimming. The water was nice and warm too. So I plan to rotate – swim/run etc. I’ll probably end up running more than swimming, since I can just come home and run right away vs. drive to the gym… but once the winter/snow hits I might swim more often, although by then hopefully I’m XC Skiing!

Great Weekend

What a great weekend!!! Friday began with some wine with my neighbor on the front patio. She’s like a built in aunt, or mom right next door, and we were long overdue for a girl chat, then I was off to my sister’s to make homemade cards…

Saturday we were up fairly early because the septic guy came to clean us out,and who can sleep with that racket? Then it was cleaning day, and then off to the Wild game! Jason got tickets from his work, so they were awesome seats! We ate a yummy dinner at the Liffey before the game too! The game was AMAZING even though we lost!
Today was really nice too. We woke up early again and took Kirra to a movie. Today was “Kirra day”. So we went to Alpha & Omega (an animated movie), and we were the ONLY ones in the movie theatre. Which was probably a good thing since she wasn’t completely quiet the whole movie! We just know that 10am on a Sunday is a great time to take a three year old to the movies! She thought it was so cool though to have popcorn and share my icee with her. After we got back we put her down for a nap and I ran to the grocery store. Once I got back I woke her up early from her nap and we headed for the pumpkin patch with my brother and sister’s families.
We went to the petting area, and Kirra got to pet and feed lots of goats, sheep, and more goats… and then we went down a REALLY big slide! Kirra thought that was kind of a big deal! Then we did mazes and off to get pumpkins! Most kids want the BIGGEST pumpkins, but Kirra wanted a super small pumpkin. So that’s what we looked for, and we found three pumpkins that fit our style. Two seed pumpkins which are really little, and only weighed 3 pounds, and our biggest one was only 7 pounds.
This week is semi relaxing for us! We just have gymnastics this week, which is the second to last one. Then I think we’ll be moving away from gymnastics for a while anyways. I asked Kirra what she wanted to do and she said Swimming. So I will sign her up at the Y near our house. She is my little Dara Toress so while that other kid was great at gymnastics, ours can swim. They all have their different strengths, and no child is the same, and that’s OK!

Mixing it up

Well we’re still doing gymnastics but only have 2 more weeks which is bitter sweet. Its been like a roller coaster because we’ve had lows with Kirra not listening, and highs when she’s mastered new skills… Now that we’re doing the Tiny Twisters 1 I’ve realized we’re paying $130 to jump on the trampoline…. Because that is Kirra’s favorite part… Jason and I don’t feel that Kirra is ready to go back to the 2nd level so when this class is over I’m not going to sign her up for this right away again… We feel like at this time its just not the best fit for Kirra. She’s a bit more timid of a gal… and is scared of heights, and balance beams etc… Well I took a few pictures today… enjoy!
On the trampoline

Jumping really high!

Crawling in the blocks

On the uneven bars


Beam Circut

Humpty Dumpty game

Slide into the blocks

I looked thru the ECFE catalog to see what (cheaper) activities we can do, and they have a Tiny Tot dance class starting up in November,and that’s only $25! So we’ll do that, and see how that goes… Its all on the floor, and Kirra likes to dance… so hopefully it’ll be a good fit for her!
I started to DVR a new show on TLC called Sister Wives and it makes me sick… yet I’ve watched 4 episodes back to back… what does that say about me? Haha… I really really don’t understand polygamist marriage. I’m glad I’m not in that culture though… In one scene one of the wives 5 daughters were playing barbies.. and they had 1 ken.. and 4 barbies.. and the kids named the barbies all the wives names, and the person playing ken took turns kissing that various barbies… It was kind of ____ – what are they teaching these kids? I was really jealous of their barbie house though… I need to make one!!!
Off to read! Adieu.

Kids Place Live!

So with my Rouge we got 3 months of Satellite radio for free…and there is a station on there for younger children with various silly songs, movie theme songs, and more. Well Kirra’s favorite song by far is “Move it Move it” from Madagascar. I’ve never seen it but may surprise Kirra with it for her birthday…. and the “Hamster Dance”, which we heard today. Kirra gets her fists pumping, and her jam on in the back seat like she’s at a disco! Too Cute!!!!

I Like to Move it!

Happy October Days…

What a great weekend we had! Friday night Jason celebrated his birthday and played poker and Kirra and I had a mommy and me shopping spree. Ok.. ok, it was more like a ME shopping spree, but it was great. I got lots of new shirts, and three new pairs of jeans, in my pre-pregnant size! (Can I get a Woot Woot).

Saturday Kirra and I woke up early and went to our MUMs 3 year old birthday party at a family farm down the road… it was so much fun. They got to pet animals, we went on a hayride,had cupcakes, and opened presents. Kirra got a ballerina barbie and she will not put it down! (Too cute!) There are photos on the home page.
We came home took naps and then went out to the Outback Steakhouse for Jason’s birthday dinner with my folks and his. We all had perfectly delicious steak, and then headed back to my folks for cocktails… (well they did… I was sober driver).
Today was another early day, Kirra and I went to the new campus at church and I volunteered,so we were there for a while. After that we headed over to Wisconsin to see Miah & Amillie’s new house. It is GORGEOUS! I told Jason we ought to move over to Wisconsin, because you get way more house and land for your buck!
I think I found a new love tonight! Tazo Chai Tea with milk (Chai Tea Latte) soooo good! It is the perfect evening snacker! I love practically all of the Tazo teas… I’m trying to keep off the pop and junk food, so tea is my new…thing at night. With the exception of Saturday I haven’t had any pop since Monday. Here is to another week with no pop!
Until next time I bid you adieu!

And now that I’ve had some sleep….

I feel like I haven’t blogged in so long! In reality, its only been just over a week, but for a while I was pretty good about keeping everyone up to date on the happenings in our residence.

Last week was the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon and related weekend events. Kirra did the Toddler Trot and had a blast, except that she wanted to keep running past the 50 yards… so I think next year I will enter her in the half mile….
It all went off without a hitch, and in my four years there, was the most fun, and relaxed. I was better prepared administratively, and had full time “temp office” support this year which was amazingly helpful, and I got to shake things up with a new race day job that I absolutely loved! I was out on the course this year / vs. the finish line, so I feel like I experienced the marathon a little more. It was amazing to see some peoples determination when they fell back to the pace vehicles, and then fought their way to finish ahead of us.
After the marathon weekend we’ve gotten to sleep in an extra half hour each day or so this week, so that’s been nice, especially since Kirra has been a night owl lately and not wanting to go to bed on time. Lately its been 9pm or so, and then she moves like molases in the morning!
We had gymnastics again at 5:30 on Monday, and Kirra did NOT have her listening ears, or her “big eyes” on as well as the week before. She was wanting to go on equipment that wasn’t part of our class, and was nervous about some of the “tricks” we were doing…. well since our class “technically” started on Labor Day, and they were closed – we got a make up slip, so we visited the class below Kirra’s this past Wednesday (10/6) at 6:30pm which isn’t as structured, and is more like free play, and let me tell you!!! Kirra and I had way more fun! I talked to the instructor, and she said we can just switch over, and there are lots of 3 y/o that are still in the first level and to just go and have fun! So now we’re in Tiny Twisters 1.
Tomorrow is Jason’s birthday – 29~ so we’ll be the same age for a few months!! We’re going to go to the Outback for dinner, so that should be nice, and I think Jason is going to work on the basement! Which will be great. I can’t wait until the living room is done down here!
Well that’s all I have for right now…. 🙂