Weekend Fun

Poor Kirra came down with Pink eye on Thursday afternoon, so she stayed home with Daddy on Friday. This morning I ran with the Running Mom’s Club down at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It was so much fun, and there were so many people out. It was great to run with a real running community. Kirra seems to be feeling much better. No more goop, and no more redness. Jason and I missed the Flood Run today 😦 but I think we’re going to go out on the bike for a little ride elsewhere.

We’ve been reading the Twilight Saga books and they are very very good. Jason is on book 4/4 and I am on book 3/4.

Tomorrow I am helping time an event in Minneapolis, and plan on going to church sometime this weekend…. 🙂

Oh Happy Days!

Well Kirra has been in a better mood lately, but she still has her moments of course. Her teeth are coming in like mad!

She is now wearing her first pair of size 3 shoes. MAN, she has tiny feet, but then again, so do I. They are cute pink little crocks.

She also hasn’t had any coughing attacks for several days now, so that is great! We think this double dose of Prevacid is really doing the trick, at least that is what we’re hoping for. I really have my fingers crossed that she is done now for a while.

I (Lindsey) have a sinus infection and a double ear infection with my ear drums perforated. Gosh I am tore up. I have some antibiotics so I hope to feel better soon!

I’m just so glad Kirra is coughing attack free, for now!

Crabby K

K has been pretty crabby the past few days. We looked in her mouth (during tickle time) and low and behold she’s getting a mouthful of teeth! Poor K! She’s getting at least two molars on top, plus an ‘eye’ tooth. She’s also been back on the Flovent for her “asthma” and we’re on double dose of Prevacid for heartburn (GERD).

Not 100% sure if it’s all working yet, but we’re supposed to give it all two weeks or so. Hopefully she’s better otherwise they want to do a pH probe up her nose, down her throat for 24 hours which requires an over night hospital stay at the U of M Children’s. So… HOPEFULLY we don’t have to do any of that. I can’t imagine she’d be too excited.
I (lindsey) have been fighting a cold, and had to stay home today. I slept about 18 hours, and it felt good and refreshing!
I had a Pampered Chef party last weekend, and am getting lots of stuff myself. I’m excited to quite excited.
Jason and I are going out for a “date night” on Friday so that should be fun! We haven’t had a “date night” for quite a while.
I will post more on K later this week.