No More Brace!!!!!

Well, we went to the orthopedic surgeon today at Gillette, and they took an x-ray. Our doc came in, and told us that the bone has healed up very very well. She formed a nice calus around the fracture site , and it has succesfully closed the broken ends… So, he let us take her out of the brace for good. Gosh she loves it (stretching way out!), and she looks so much taller!!! Imagine that! Thanks for any thoughts, and prayers you may have sent our way!


Well we took Kirra to the Orthopedic Surgeon for a follow up appointment on Monday 12/3. Her X-Ray looks really good. She is healing very well, so that makes me quite happy! You could easily see on the x-ray how much better it’s getting. The doctor loosened up her brace (however it’s still on) and he want’s to see us again on 12/17. We will do another set of x-rays, and then he suspects that she can come out of the brace that day! FANTASTIC!!!!


We also took her to the general pediatrician on Tuesday 12/4. She is gaining fantastic weight. She is already at 7lbs, 13oz! She is gaining just over an oz per day, so by Friday (tomorrow) she should be about 8lbs!

Kirra is still not sleeping in her crib, or her bassinette. She either sleeps in the swing (during the day) or the bouncy seat (at night… which is inside the pack n’ play). She is doing pretty good though.

Jason has been on night duty since I have to wake up every 4 hours and pump. Kirra wasn’t latching on, but feeding her breastmilk was still very important to me. So he has been a hero to me for that. I am therefore on morning duty, taking care of her until about 1pm, and then we both take care of her for the rest of the day.

Jason and I (and Kirra) have filled our days with the morning news, soap operas (well only Days of our Lives… I could care less about the rest) the Food Network Channel, and blockbuster movies! Gotta love Blockbuster online.

I go back to work on January 2nd. That’s only 4 more weeks! The time is flying by unfortunately. I enjoy spending so much time with my husband and daughter. However I think that I won’t mind too much. There is only so much you can surf on the internet, and so much of the food network channel that you can watch. Plus I really really like my job, so it will be nice to get back to my co-workers, and my work.