Merry Christmas

What a very Merry Christmas. It was so fun to see Kirra get so excited opening presents! She got so much nice stuff that I don’t even have enough room in my blog to list it all! Thanks to everyone!

Jason is now laid off for the winter, so he is going to be a stay at home dad with Kirra, and I’m going to be taking the bus to work to save on mileage on my car. I even got a bus pass, and it works out really slick. I get to read on the bus, just listen to music, or even take a little nap!
Next week I have to work Tuesday & Wednesday, and then I’m off again until January 4th. Jason is planning to be in a huge poker tourney for New Years Eve,but will still be home in time for midnight, so I’ll have to think of something earlier on! Maybe I’ll see if the neighbor wants to come over for a bit and watch a chick flick with Kirra and I. I do have to work on 1/1, so I won’t want to stay up too late regardless.

Christmas… just two weeks away!!!!

WOW, this year just FLEW by! We had an enjoyable weekend! The best part was that we got lots of snow which I’m pretty happy about, although sadly we still didn’t get enough to groom the trails for xc skiing! This week should be pretty fun. We have the moms night out Christmas Dinner at Chille’s on Thursday,and me and dad’s birthday party next Saturday.

Kirra is absolutely adorable lately. She loves to cuddle on the couch,and watch movies. She is a total girlie girl. She loves playing with her babies,and little people doll house. She LOVES the doll house. What else? We’re kind of just potty exploring at this point. It will be a process, and we have no expectations.
Jason is working hard on getting the basement wiped up for our holiday party in a few weeks. He poured a concrete bar top (look up concrete counter tops sometime) and finished the sheetrock. He’s mudding and taping at the moment. I hope we get it done enough for paint for the party,but we’ll see.
This is my last full week of work before Christmas, then I have off the 23rd,24th, 25th, 28th, 31st and the 1st. Then its 2010. What are we going to say? ten. one-zero, oh ten?

Happy December

Well a Happy December from us to you! We haveĀ been for the most part the same, so that is good! Kirra is talking up a storm lately and is about 85% comprehendible! We er…Santa has already bought her presents, and the has accidently seen part of one already but most of it was in the bag :-).

Kirra is all signed up for swimming lessons to begin in January, and mom is really excited about this. It should be fun, and hopefully she will become even more comfortable in the water.
Kirra loves playing in the snow,but we haven’t really gotten enough snow to really really play in. Santa came to our house last Thursday on a fire truck, and the firemen/elves, passed out candy canes… so that was pretty exciting.