Almost Turkey Day!

Kirra’s been really practicing for walking lately, and has been doing a wonderful job. She can walk clear across the living room, and down the hallway, even though she still prefers crawling. She’s drinking regular milk,and eating everything that we do. Things are great! Kirra’s hair is starting to get longer, and curl up. It really curls up when its wet, I can hardly wait to see what its going to look like when it’s even longer!

Happy 1st Birthday K!

Today was K’s first birthday, and she had so much fun with everyone.  It was a lot of fun. We had a waffle breakfast with Uncle Rick’s famous Italian sausage and potatoes. K had her chocolate cake and it was all in her face!

After we got her cleaned up and in a new outfit she opened presents. She got some very cute outfits, a ridding/walking toy, a pink pony rocking horse on wheels, a piggie bank and a bunch of snow stuff. Also, some books, and a gift card to target, which we used for some Sippy cups, and bibs!! Thanks to everyone for loving K so much!

K Stats!

Weight (Just over 10%) 18#, 14oz

Height (Just under 25%) 28 inches

Well yesterday was K’s birthday! We took her for her 12 month check up, and K is 18 pounds 14 oz, and 28 inches long. She has to wait about another month or so until she is 20 pounds before we can face her foward in the car, but she doesn’t seem to mind car rides at all.

She unfortunately had 4 shots yesterday! She got C-pox, Hep A, Flu, and MMR. They also drew blood out of her arm to test for lead. She was NOT happy about any of this! I mean getting poked 5 times on your birthday is definitely no treat… but last night we gave her Shells & Cheese, and she ate some of Jason and I’s potato ole’s from Taco Johns. She liked those. We have about a sample can left of formula, and then we’ll just be on regular milk. We’ve already given her whole milk, and she absolutely loves it! Between 12 and 15 months we should slowly get her off the bottle, but we can use milk in her bottle. Right now she only gets a bottle in the morning, and at night. The rest of the day she has a sippy cup. K’s birthday party is on Saturday so that should be fun.

Growing Up

Kirra will be a year old in just a week and a half. I absolutely can’t belive it. Where did the time go? It felt like just yesterday I was in the cold OR, having Kirra born. Where did the time go? What happened to those late night feedings (thank God those are over!!!) or putting her on the floor, leaving the room, only to find she hadn’t moved an inch. What happened to just learning to roll over, when now, Kirra is just learning to WALK!!!!

I’m so excited to see all of Kirra’s adventures, but how bittersweet to make this new mile stone. This is Kirra’s last full week as just my baby. Next week she will be ONE! ONE! Pretty soon she will be going to school, getting her ears pierced, having boyfriends over, and getting married!

I know I am exaggerating a bit, but really! ONE! Already. If ONE went this fast, how fast will this next year go? I hope it goes slow!