here. now. madness

Glorious Sunday.
The day when Jesus rose from the dead. Hope was restored, and the chains of death were broken. I am hopeful that Sunday will come once again… but if I’m honest.. .we’re all stuck in Saturday aren’t we?
Jesus has died, and the future is uncertain. We have no evidence that Sunday will come, or when the promise of resurrection will play out.
If I’m brutally honest with all of you… I can get stuck in Saturday thinking as well. You all think I’m a Positive Patty all the time, but I have some weird anxiety over being around sickness.
In normal times, if a co-worker is sick I avoid them like the plague. Forget 6-feet of distance, I want to be at least 20 feet away.
Yesterday, and other days I’ve convinced myself I’m coming down with COVID-19. I’m having some tightening in my chest… but I realized these are the exact same symptoms of anxiety.
When I go out to the stores for groceries, I try to hold my breath and do my best to stay away from everyone, but the stores are PACKED right now, and social distancing is nearly impossible.
As soon as I get in the car I use my hand sanitizer I got for Christmas from Bath & Body Works, and as soon as I get in the house I surgically wash my hands, and use Lysol to disinfect the doors.
I come home exhausted and needing to lay down.
I listened to this song on repeat last night, and I know God is here now in this madness. I need to let His voice be all I hear now.
Fear is normal, but God is in control. We are all in Saturday living right now and have no idea how long these “shelter in place” measures will last, but Sunday is coming, and I can hold on to that.