First Time away.

So right now I am down in Atlanta Georgia. I’ve been here since yesterday morning (thursday 3/27) and I leave Sunday morning 3/30. I miss Kirra like crazy! This is the first time I have left her for more than 10 hours during the day! She hasn’t had a baby sitter yet, because Jason takes care of her. They are going on a family outing tomorrow, and I am not there to be with them. I am so excited to be home to Jason and Kirra although I am having a good time while I am here. It’s just hard. Any of you mom’s out there could agree! Jason told me that last night Kirra was sucking her thumb. Not her whole hand like usual her whole thumb. I just thought that was sooo cute, and I missed that moment. I will obviously miss so many more moments, but it is definitely hard. They are going to pick me up from the airport on Sunday and I cannot wait! I don’t know how my friends that are still in the navy can leave their babies for more than 96 hours. It’s just so hard!!!

Until next time… be well.

A letter from above

My dear Fran, Suz, Mike, and Tim, and my other loved ones,

I just wanted to let you know that I made it up to heaven alright! I know how you guys worry, and always expect a phone call for safe travels. Well there are no phones in Heaven, but God let me write a letter just this once. I told him Fran would be very upset, and he didn’t want to make Fran mad! I know what you’re thinking! How did I make it up here with all of the ruckus I cause during those sports games on TV, and throwing that foam brick at the TV all the time… well St. Peter over looked that.

Things here are very good! I’ve ran into Terry who is an engineer for the Heavenly Express, I help him out a little bit since I actually worked on a railroad! When you hear the thunder during a storm, that is us, riding around! I also ran into Cindy who works at the Pet Palace for all of those animals who went to heaven. She begs God to take in the naughty ones too, and he usually lets her keep them! Jaun teaches everyone about Camping, Swimming, and how to water-ski…No retirement until your earthly age is 65! But working here is MUCH better than on Earth!

I’ve ran into others too. Let Stevie know that his mother Dorothy is doing just fine! And Linda… June is doing great too! Ted, Ev, Toots, and Annie are all doing fantastic! I have lots more to run into including some of the Canadians, but I’ve only been here for a few days!

I live in a great big mansion, and the streets are made of gold. It’s perfect up here! God made me a huge kitchen to cook pancakes on Sundays! Everyone still comes over to my house! God, and Jesus are more than you can imagine! They are love!

A final thought for those who are having a difficult time with me being gone…

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle Autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

I do have to get going now. I will never forget you, and please share my memories. I am always with you, and until we meet again. I love you all!

Richard H. Raykowski.

Well we went to the doctor today for her 4 month check up and she is doing just great! You can check “Fun Facts” to see her growth. The doctor agreed that too many people so close to her can definitely stress her out! So we just need to be careful at how many people are comming at her! She is a shy baby, and that’s ok.

We started her on Rice Cereal about two weeks ago, and the doctor was just fine with that. She said we can try different cereals too, like Oatmeal, or Barley etc. She just said make sure it’s BABY cereal, not quaker oats! 🙂 Also… she can start fruits and veggies in about 2 months, so we will just get her used to the cereal for now.

She tried to roll over at the doctors office, but we all stopped her because she would have rolled right off the table! Haha! Everything looked absolutely wonderful. No teeth yet, but that’s definitely ok! Doctor said maybe in 2 months or so…

Well Kirra is home with daddy for the rest of the day, she got shots today so she will be tired and cranky!

Middle of March

Well lately Kirra has been having some social anxiety. That’s the only thing I can pinpoint it on. She just melts into tears. It happened at the Nursing Home, where it was on the warm side, with about 18 people in a small area… she melted down again at the wake where there were multiple people, and again at the funeral luncheon. I am thinking she might get nervous when there are too many people in such a tight area, or if other people hold her, she gets nervous. I asked my mom’s group about it, and they’ve has similar experiences, but I think I am going to ask her pediatrician tomorrow! We have a well baby exam tomorrow, and I am so curious to see how she has grown. We also get the results of her kidney ultra-sound, and hopefully there is nothing else with that! She rolled over earlier this month, and hasn’t done it since. It must have been a huge fluke! I’m sure she will eventually do it again! We think she is starting to get a tooth! We’re also going to ask the doctor about that too. She has a small white hard dot on her gums, and she is drooling like a crazy woman! She recently learned to grab for toys, hang on to them, and laugh on demand (when we’re tickling her). Life is just great! We will update you with more information tomorrow 🙂