May Days

Pardon my long leave of absence with blogging… I just didn’t think I had anything to really blog about that was very interesting…. Since my last post we did host the Men’s and Women’s USA Road Mile Championship at work at the Medtronic TC 1 Mile which was absolutely thrilling!

This weekend has been a roller coaster ride…truly. Friday we got word that GG passed away. We really lost an anchor in our family,and she will be greatly missed by everyone. A few weeks ago I heard this song posted by another friend, and it so beautifully sums it all up.  I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do. I listened to this on repeat on Friday night/Saturday morning….

Emotions came flooding back from my own grandmothers death, and it was so hard to control my own emotions this past weekend. The funeral is on Tuesday and I am giving the Eulogy. I’m so honored that they’re letting me do it. I pray I hold it together!

Grandma Nancy will be missed so much!!!!

Friday evening I went to card club right after hearing that GG passed away, and then went to Frank & Theo’s…(my in laws) with Kirra to show our love and support, and be with them as they grieved their mother. We ended up staying there until 1:30 am. so when I had to leave in the morning to help put on an event, or rather show my support to my co-worker Kirra and I were very tired, but very much consuming coffee.

Kirra raced in the TC Kids, Outdoor Cross Country Fun Run,and had a blast running the half mile!

Playing with worms…
 My co-worker Julie showing Kirra more worms
 Pretty proud of herself!
 She only walked a tiny bit too!
Kirra and Shelly. She was terrified of Harry
“the Easter bunny” [says Kirra] our other mascot!

Saturday Jason got home in the afternoon after Kirra and I had our nap. Jason and I went to Gander Mountain where I purchased my kayak and a few other items. I was going to kayak at Big Marine lake near my in-laws, but tornadic storms in the area had other thoughts, so kayaking had to wait. With there help I wrote and finished the eulogy.

Today we all decided we were going to sleep in, because of our emotional weekend! I was catching up on some of my TV shows when I heard the sirens go off again so Jason and Kirra joined me in the basement. It was the first time…in a long time we actually took a storm seriously… they said the tornado was ON the ground so we weren’t taking chances…. after the all clear was given Jason left to get a hair cut, and I left to get some storm photos…. unfortunately I got a little too close to the storm in Wyoming/Lindstrom and had to pull back without any shots,but our safety was the most important thing. Kirra got a good nap in regardless…

Once I got back to the house I took the Kayak out for its first spin at a nearby lake. I kayaked for about an hour, which was so great, and really therapy with God… I just talked to Him, and really enjoyed being out there myself….it was getting kind of windy, so my arms got quite the workout, and the sky was looking grim again, so I pulled it back into the boat launch and went home for burgers on the grill.

I wish everyone a great week, and hopefully I will blog a bit more often!!!!

In loving memory – Nancy  – August 28, 1937- May 20, 2011

My Lucky Day!

Just had the funniest thing happen to me… Driving home from work and about to pull in my driveway when I see two very nicely dressed young men walking about my neighborhood. They waved very joyously at me, so I waved back. You know who they are…. and so I did I…. so I did what any Christian would do (probably not) and drove right past my house as if I didn’t live there, because they were due to “hit” my house next… and quite frankly didn’t feel like having the “i don’t want your literature, and won’t believe in your religion bit…”
So I drove around the neighborhood but decided that was not enough, so I left my neighborhood for nearly 30 minutes to another neighborhood about 5 miles up the road, and looked at houses.
When I decided enough time had passed I went back to my house in a very round about fashion so I wouldn’t pass the “preachers” so to speak. Well I pull down my road and spot them again walking right towards me! Just my luck!
I decided it would be way to obvious if I drove away again, plus I was hungry and Kirra wanted to go home… so reluctantly I pulled in my driveway trying not to make ANY direct eye contact with them,but they walked right up my driveway, and were actually very nice about the whole thing. Now i just wish I would have just sucked it up in the first place because I was able to politely decline their literature, defend my faith,and not be aggravated at all! Ha! I even shook their hands and told them to have a great day!
The only downfall was after they left I went into the car to get Kirra and she asked if they were the guys we were running away from!

Weekend Re-Cap

What a great weekend we had!

Friday night I took Kirra to our cousin Bella’s Figure Skating show and Kirra was mesmerized! That’s all she could talk about the rest of the weekend was figure skating herself.  Bella was in two numbers, and did a very cute job.

Saturday I woke up and went garage sailing around with Theo! I found some old vintage cameras to put on display, a few old books, and a huge bin full of little people for Kirra which is great since she still really loves little people! We got to keep the rubber maid bin too which makes Jason and I happy for easy cleanup!

Today is lounge around day for the most part. Jason was a hero and let me sleep in until almost noon! Kirra came in about every 30 minutes though starting at 10: 00 a.m. asking about ice skating! We did go about 1pm and she had fun! She even did the pusher a lot by herself this time too which saved my back!

Once we got in the car she informed me that was fun but she wants to do gymnastics instead. She is such a silly girl.  We went home had a snack unloaded groceries that came from Coborns (which by the way is AWESOME) and she’s napping now, and I am cleaning,couponing and blogging!

Time to make tacos for dinner, and play little people!