8 Mile Tempo

Well I was going to do another 10 mile run today, but I asked Coach John, and he said to do an 8 mile tempo run instead, where you run an easy 1-2 miles, and then from there pick up the speed little by little, and keep maintaining that pace. (the faster one). It felt really great! I’m planning to do two more 5 mile tempo runs, and then its race day in 8 days!!! I actually trained for a race, and had fun doing it! My next race is Lumberjack Days 10 Mile, and i’m excited for that one too.

A year ago I would have backed down, and tried to do the 10K, or the 5K, but i’m back, and it feels so good!

I taught pre-schoolers at church tonight, and that was actually SUPER fun. I’m so glad I made the switch. Its fun to do different things, and these kids make me laugh!

Jason did Tattoo today for one of his good friends Lisa. She got the Tree of Life (Celtic) on her back in the same place as my cross. I think it looks great! We’re trying to get Jason’s business moving a little bit, so hopefully he can even do 1 per month!

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