Lifted Up ~ Greater

I’m currently taking part of something really cool- and that is an Online Bible Study. I found this from a devotional e-mail I get delivered to me through Proverbs 31. We’re currently reading through the book Greater by Pastor Steven Furtick. Its all about how God has called each of us do do greater!

Each day we get a little nugget of something to do with the book so that we can fully embrace our online community.

Today we were challenged to Lift someone up that inspires us to live greater. There is a gal in my life that encourages me every day. To slow down and smell the roses of life every once in a while, read my bible every day, and help others especially when there is a need right in front of me.

She looks at life with simplicity. While I get caught up in to-dos, and planning, she knows just how to live in the ‘now’ moment, and to take each moment and treasure it because it is a gift from God! Sometimes I brush her aside because I have so many things to do – but God has given us TODAY! Tomorrow isn’t promised yet, and often I miss things that God had in store for me TODAY. I’m learning this truth from her every day.

She also encourages me and reminds me to read the bible every day!

She shows me so often on how to be a greater giver. For example we are looking at things in our house that we can give to the local homeless shelter and while I cling tight to some of my belongings [i don’t even use anymore], and convince myself how much I need some of my things, she is overjoyed to throw in this – that, and the other thing and is a very very cheerful giver. It honestly makes me feel a little convicted – because truth be told I’ve been given so much. She loves helping people, and gets very passionate about helping the hopeless which is what she calls the homeless.

This gal is my daughter K. She is five years old, and already has an amazing heart for God and others!

I know that God is calling me to do even MORE and be greater and its a blessing that he has given me such a wise daughter…I am learning so much from her!

7 thoughts on “Lifted Up ~ Greater

  1. Wow – been there too with my little one. I could tell from the moment she was born at a little over 2 lbs and not expected to live and did after so many prayers that God had something special. She taught me to listen to Christian radio at the age of 5. Today she is 31 and I find myself trying to keep up with her love for the Lord. Enjoy that special little girl the Lord has blessed you with. Debbie W. (OBS Leader)


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